Community-Driven Social Impact: Presentation & Game

Today I had the great pleasure and honor of presenting at the National Conference on Service and Volunteering. I had a 90-minute workshop which was broken into two parts: a bit of presentation, and a bit of game time. The presentation focused on 4 strategic steps, 3 sets of best practices, and a few case studies for creating programs, services, content, and campaigns in a community-driven process.


Resource links:



To play the game with your organization, team or community group, use the documents below to share the grid and other pages to print and cut out the playing cards. The Grid is used as follows:

  1. Who is your community? Share everything you can think of!
  2. What’s the sweet spot? This is the intersection or overlap of the community’s goals and your organization’s goals. What are you going to work on together?
  3. What tools could help? This is where you’ll use the tool cards. Use 10 as the limit when you add up the numbers on the cards – those correspond to the equivalent capacity needed to support the use of the tool.
  4. What roles are needed? This is where you’ll use the role cards. Remember that these are only some of the roles that may be appropriate for your project.

5 thoughts on “Community-Driven Social Impact: Presentation & Game

  1. Thank you for sharing this game Amy!
    So glad you made your presentation interactive, and made it easy, like that Meyer Memorial Trust game where we sat around talking about the different ways to use social media with beth!

    I am totally going to print these out

    I need to add you to my fantasy nonprofit conference! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Mazarine! I would absolutely love to attend and contribute to your fantasy nonprofit conference 🙂

      Let me know if you ever want to run the game and if there is anything I can help with!

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