I recently had the opportunity to connect with John Brennan, the driving force behind OpenAction.org, which empowers individuals and organizations by helping them tell the world about the positive impactContinue readingInterview: John Brennan of OpenAction
I’m capturing notes at the MyPublicServices event from PatientOpinion. This session is lead by Paul Hodgkin from PatientOpinion . Use the tag #MPS09 to follow conversations and highlights from othersContinue readingGIft Economies at MPS09
NetSquared’s n2y3 conference was earlier this week which brought ‘together a unique mix of people from the public and private sectors to develop and release Mashups designed to provide deeperContinue readingCongrats to the mashup winners!
There is a lot going on lately with the use of dynamic maps online. Firstly, Google Earth now has a layer for “placemarks” of New York Times articles. A month’sContinue readingMaps in the news
Take a look at this incredible story, told through the use of maps. It really makes me think about the dynamic way nonprofits and other social change agents should andContinue readingDigital story-telling at its best!