David Wilcox and I are getting ready for iterations on Social by Social – the first two being applications of the lessons learned and strategies for using social media sharedContinue readingGov 2.0, Shirky & Local Communities
Matthew Taylor has a post up discussing an update on the internal conversations at the RSA around the organization’s branding. According to the RSA website: For over 250 years theContinue readingBranding the RSA, and you?
Debra Askanase has turned a recent experience dealing with many social media obvjections into a list to help you nail your comeback lines for any objectors in your organization orContinue readingComeback Lines to Social Media Objectors
At NTEN’s ’09 Nonprofit Technology Conference a couple weeks ago, I participated in the Ignite Presentations which was a load of fun. An Ignite presentation is a five minute presentation,Continue readingNet2 at 09NTC