As I announced in August, Bonnie Koenig and I are cultivating a learning space at I am excited to say that we have created a bit more content, a new discussion group, and are planning a roundtable discussion for December! It’s pretty exciting 🙂 And we hope you’ll join us!
Why Global Scale
Movement building is something I’m very passionate about, and I think we can truly make lasting social impact if more organizations, campaigns, and changemakers operated in a movement focused way, instead of investing resources and capacity into one-time efforts. Opening up the way we work, collaborating with others to further our reach, and inviting the community to take responsibility for success (by extending opportunities to contribute) all help us build movements and scale up our work.
Global Scale Purpose:
Bonnie and I were inspired by conversations with each other on and offline but knew there were many more people who should be involved in discussing, sharing and learning. The Global Scale project aims to create a resource for NGO practitioners where guidelines, lessons learned, tips, links and other help for ‘scaling up’ effective programs can be found.
How to Contribute
Global Scale Discussion Group
This email group is intended as a conversation space to supplement and support the Global Scale Wiki. We recognize that some times it’s easier to share a link, talk about a concept, or participate in a discussion before jumping into a shared learning space like a wiki. So, share whatever you like on this list!
Join the email list (Google Group) today and introduce yourself!
Global Scale Wiki
With this wiki, we are aiming to create a resource for NGO practitioners where guidelines, lessons learned, tips, links and other help for ‘scaling up’ effective programs can be found.
Visit the wiki today and share your ideas and examples!
December Roundtable
This month’s NTEN Communications Roundtable focuses on communications struggles, lessons, and best practices for working internationally. Movement building, campaigning, and scaling programs and services across regions, borders, and countries is incredibly important to making lasting social impact. Bit it also comes with very real obstacles for communication: from translation and language barriers to cultural differences that may impact your programs or reception of your services.
- Date: December 7th
- Time: 10 am – 11 am PST