This morning I had the pleasure (and some anxiety, to be honest) of presenting to the SANGONeT Conference taking place this week and next in South Africa. My presentation includes some brief highlights from research done in the US and the UK around social media use by nonprofit organizations (including the Nonprofit Social Networking Survey and the eCampaigning Report). I also use a story of a friend and colleague, Leah Williams, to help highlight the role individuals play in moving and informing the social media strategy and practice of their organizations (her story of discovering social media tools on her own and applying her knowledge and experiences to social media application for the Women’s Resource Center).
You can view the slides below or view the PDF w/ Speaker Notes for more information about the slides.
What do you think?
I’d love to hear your stories about how you’ve used social media on your own, discovered something that could work for your organization and made it happen! I’d also love to hear any questions you have or other ideas you want to share!
2 thoughts on “Social Media, Nonprofits, and the Role of Individuals”