Volunteerism in the 21st century can take a different form than traditional charity work, like YouTube’s Video Volunteers: youtube.com/videovolunteers.
The mission of YouTube’s Video Volunteers platform is to connect nonprofit organizations with skilled video makers who can help them broadcast their causes through video, reaching new audiences online and driving action around issues and projects that matter to them. In partnership with allforgood.org, the new platform that connects volunteers with volunteer opportunities, “Video Volunteers” pools video-related volunteer postings and connects YouTubers with these opportunities.
Want to use your video skills for good?
Become a YouTube Video Volunteer. There are lots of great organizations who need your help to broadcast thei cause and change the world. This is your chance to help!
Looking for volunteers to work at our Thrift Shop as well as help with our fund raising events in Centralia, WA. We are a non-profit charity that provides home health and hospice services for the medically needy in our community. Our tag line is…Because we were there for you, you are there for us…
Lynn Ford
Executive Director