Have you checked out the WeAreMedia Project from Beth Kanter and NTEN yet? I am really enjoying this great collaborative project and experiment in working wikily.
Week 1: Why Should Your Nonprofit Embrace Social Media? (or not?)
Learn about basic social media concepts and principles, as well as the situations in which social media would or would not help your organization. Here is a great presentation that introduces social media.
Week 2: Thinking Strategically About Social Media
Learn about the key ingredients you should use for putting together a great social media strategy, how social media strategy relates to your organization’s other internet and communications strategies, and more! You can even check out the example group exercise I contributed for creating a social media strategy!
Week 3: The Social Media Ready Nonprofit: Dealing with Resistance
Learn about the signs of resistence in an organization, how to get organizational buy-in for social media strategies, and which policies are useful for dealing with social media in an organization. Week 3 collaboration and contribution is happening now – join in or learn more!
What have been some of the hardest obstacles to over come in getting buy-in for social media at your organization? Were the main evangelist, or did you have partners?